Ján Béreš

Senior lawyer
Ján Béreš is a senior lawyer at KŠB. In his practice, he focuses on M&A, contract law and company law including corporate law.


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  • Assistance to leading Czech companies in the IT sector with various acquisitions, investments, and the establishment of joint ventures. This includes, among others, advising Seyfor (formerly Solitea) on acquisitions or investments in numerous IT companies (e.g., NCC, Datacruit, Recruitis, Digitask, Commander Services, VASCO, Gesteem Society, Techniserv IT, Mainstream Technologies, Powerstream, Dotykačka JKR, Aquasoft, Vema); assisting Sandberg Capital with acquisitions or investments in several companies (e.g., Bakaláři, Phase, Daktela, Revolgy Business Solutions), as well as in numerous other acquisitions, exits, and corporate changes carried out within these investments (e.g., acquisitions of Smart Software, Ignum, Twigsee, Titans, establishment of the EDUCLEUS holding, the sale of the Czech division of Webglobe, or assisting Webglobe in acquiring Český Webhosting).
  • Assisting clients in establishing joint ventures or other shareholder arrangements in connection with acquisitions, option instruments, exits, equity incentive schemes, and the protection of provided investments.
  • Advising O2 Czech Republic on the acquisition of the telecommunications company Nordic Telecom Regional.
  • Assisting the owners in selling ANESAN, a company operating post-acute care units in Český Brod.
  • Advising Jet Investment on the acquisition of LIKOV, a leading European manufacturer of building profiles.
  • Advising Ronaldsay on the sale of Hampshire Green Point.
  • Advising Infinite Computer Solutions on the acquisition of Casenet.
  • Advising the U.S. software company Jamf on the acquisition of Wandera.
  • Advising Aramark on the acquisition of the catering division of the Czech branch of the French company Sodexo and the acquisition of the canteen and catering division of the HOPI Group.
  • Assisting in the sale of DAQUAS, a company providing comprehensive IT consulting services.
  • Advising Mattoni 1873 on negotiations with Budějovický Budvar regarding a unique project for producing flavored non-alcoholic beer.
  • Advising YIT Stavo on the acquisition of numerous development projects in Prague.
  • Advising Mattoni 1873 on the acquisition of PepsiCo's operations in the Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian markets, the acquisition of Selecta's Central European assets, and the sale of the Toma plant.
  • Advising NIBE Industry Group on the acquisition of Czechklima and Alphatec.
  • Advising HEXPOL Group on the acquisition of Trelleborg Material & Mixing Lesina.
  • Providing acquisition and corporate advice to Uponor Group in the sale of Uponor Infra Fintherm.
  • Providing acquisition, contractual, and corporate advice to Alliance Laundry.
  • Advising Skanska on work contracts and corporate matters.
  • Providing acquisition advice to Innogy Czech Republic.
  • Providing acquisition and corporate advice to Very Goodies.
  • Providing acquisition and corporate advice to Gonvarri.
  • Advising GrandVision on an acquisition in the Czech Republic.
  • Advising SIAD on the acquisition of assets in the Czech Republic.
  • Advising Slot Group on an acquisition in the Czech Republic.
  • Advising OKD on the sale of NWR Energy.
  • Advising on the sale of AWT.
  • Providing acquisition advice to Beire and advising on search fund investments.
  • Advising on M&A projects and legal audits for various other clients.
  • Advocate since 2011
  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (2008, Ph.D. - 2016, JUDr. - 2017)
  • Università di Bologna, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza (2005 – 2006)
  • Czech Bar Association

  • Investing In Czech Republic, Chambers & Partners Global Practice Guides, 2023 (co-author)
  • KATOLICKÁ, Michaela, BÉREŠ, Ján: Zákon o některých opatřeních proti legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti a financování terorismu. (English: Act on Certain Measures against the Legalization of Proceeds from Crime and Terrorist Financing). Commentary. 1. Edition. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, 2017. 248 pages
  • BÉREŠ, Ján: Předmět plnění a odpovědnost za porušení povinností ze smluv o dílo v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Subject matter of performance and liability for a breach of obligations from contracts for work in international trade (Dissertation)
Advising on the Sale of Webglobe
Corporate law
Intellectual property
KSB Advises Mattoni 1873 on Joint Project with Budějovický Budvar
Real estate and construction
KŠB advised on the sale of Forum Karlin complex

Projekty na kterých pracoval

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