
Advising on the Sale of Webglobe

KSB's team (Drahomír Tomašuk, Ján Béreš and Josef Novotný, supported by Karolina Vosátková, Viktor Zelinka, Jaroslav Zahradníček and Patricie Stará) advised Igor Střeček and Sandberg Capital (Jakub Krajčovič) on the sale of the Czech part of Webglobe. The new owner is group.one, a Swedish group which is one of the best-known cloud and hosting services companies. Barger Prekop advised the seller on the transaction in Slovakia and Moravčevič, Vojnovič and Partners advised in Serbia.

Our team (mainly Drahomír Tomasuk, Jana Guričová, Ján Béreš and Josef Kříž) have had the privilege of working with Webglobe and its partners since it entered the Czech market in 2019 and we are very happy to have been able to support it in all of its Czech acquisitions (Webglobe - still under the name of WY Group - acquired IGNUM, Stable.cz, Axfone LLC, ONEsolution and HOSTING90, and subsequently savana.cz and EBOLA Czech) and intra-group transformations, as well as to advise it on other agenda related to the company's business and internal operations. Therefore, helping with preparing the Czech part of the group for its takeover by the new owner was an obvious step.

Today, Webglobe manages almost 300,000 registered domains, registers approximately 10% of the national domains in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Serbia, and is the market leader in Central European web hosting services.

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