
Advising Sandberg Capital on Major Education Transaction

KSB's team led by Drahomír Tomašuk and Ján Béreš with assitance of Josef Novotný advised on another major IT and education transaction. This time, we advised our client Sandberg Capital on its investment in the Czech kindergarten management application Twigsee.

Beyond our standard advice that included due diligence and drafting the transaction documentation, KSB was involved in creating the structure of the Educleus holding group. KSB advised not only the incorporation of the holding company itself but also on issues related to its financing and the environment for the group’s further development.

The aim of the newly formed group, which includes both Bakaláři and Twigsee, is to provide digital support to Czech kindergartens and schools. Sandberg Capital, together with the minority owners of Bakaláři Software (of which Sandberg Capital is the majority owner), will continue to work with Twigsee founder Vanda Seidelová on developments in this area (for more information, please click here).

During our long-term cooperation we have previously advised Sandberg Capital which has operated on the market since 2014 on acquisition of various companies in the IT, telecommunications, education, agriculture and retail segments, including DAKTELA and Green Fox Academy.

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