Advising Aramark on the Acquisition of HOPI Group’s Canteen and Catering Division.
KSB’s team led by Jan Lasák and Ján Béreš assisted in a major acquisition in the field of catering services. The client, Aramark, acquired the popular Perfect Canteen and Perfect Catering concepts, which form the canteen and catering division of Czech company HOPI Holding. Aramark has thus strengthened its leading position on the Czech catering market.
Perfect Canteen has specialised in modern corporate canteens for 15 years, while Perfect Catering has specialising in premium catering for 20 years. Both companies were founded by well-known chef Filip Sajler, who has developed them in cooperation with HOPI over the last few years.
KSB’s advice consisted mainly in conducting legal due diligence, structuring the transaction, and drafting and negotiating the acquisition agreements.
More information can be found in Aramark's press release and in media (for example here).
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