Assistance to Webglobe in the Acquisition of ČESKÝ WEBHOSTING
We successfully concluded last year by assisting our long-standing client, Webglobe, in acquiring a 100% stake in ČESKÝ WEBHOSTING, s.r.o., which operates the Webhosting C4 platform. This acquisition is another step in Webglobe's growth strategy, focused on strengthening its market position following its integration into the group.one group.
We have been collaborating with Webglobe since its entry into the Czech market in 2019, supporting all its Czech acquisitions. (Webglobe, then under the name WY Group, acquired companies such as IGNUM, Stable.cz, Axfone LLC, ONEsolution, and HOSTING90, followed by savana.cz and EBOLA Czech.) Additionally, we have assisted with intra-group transformations as well as its takeover by group.one.
The KŠB team (Kateřina Vosátková, Ján Béreš, Barbora Musilová, Milada Kürtösiová, and Drahomír Tomašuk) provided assistance primarily with legal due diligence, negotiating the acquisition agreement, and preparing related documentation.
For more information, please see here.
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Tým ve složení Tomáš Sequens a Petra Mirovská dosáhl po dlouhých dvaceti letech právních bojů významného vítězství ve složitém sporu o náhradu škody vůči státu za nezákonné rozhodnutí a nesprávný úřední postup Ministerstva životního prostředí v licenčním řízení vedeném v roce 2005.