Josef Kříž

Senior lawyer
Josef Kříž is a senior lawyer at KŠB. In his practice, he focuses primarily on banking, securities and capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, company law, including group law, and contract law.


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  • Member of the team providing legal advice to the J&T Group on the creation of a joint investment fund with the Rohlik Group.
  • Advice to the international investment group KGAL on the acquisition of a solar park in Northern Bohemia.
  • Advice to the Avant Group on several issuances under the EU Growth Prospectus.
  • Advice to Pražská plynárenská on billion-crown loans from leading banks and the City of Prague.
  • Advice to the J&T Group on billion-crown bond issuances for the Rohlik Group.
  • Advice to the J&T Group on a billion-crown bond issuance for the 3M Fund MSI.
  • Advice to J&T Banka on the acquisition of a company owning the bank's existing headquarters in Prague (Rustonka II building).
  • Advice on the sale of Profimedia to the Czech News Agency (ČTK).
  • Advice to the J&T Group on project financing related to the construction of a hotel complex abroad.
  • Advice to the J&T Group on project financing for the construction of an apartment hotel on Senovážné náměstí (Prague) by Julius Meinl Living Group.
  • Advice to the Solitea Group on the intra-group merger of more than 10 companies.
  • Advice to the J&T WINE Holding Group on the acquisition of two Moravian wineries.
  • Advice to the Intefi Group on software company acquisitions.
  • Advice to the J&T Group on the acquisition of a 50% stake in real estate projects in Mošnov, Nošovice (Ostrava), Drásov (Příbram), and Nymburk.
  • Advice to the MSI Group on bringing an investment partner into one of its key real estate projects in Prague.
  • Advice to J&T Family on securing the acquisition of a real estate project in Prague 1.
  • Member of the team providing advice to the PPF Group on the restructuring of O2, particularly the split of O2, the establishment of CETIN, and the subsequent squeeze-out of minority shareholders in CETIN and O2.
  • Member of the team providing advice on the creation (and financing) of a joint book holding by Czech Media Invest and Rockaway (including the acquisition of Euromedia and Luxor).
  • Member of the team providing advice to ČEZ Group in corporate law matters, particularly regarding the setup of rules for holding general meetings.
  • Member of the team providing corporate legal advice to the Arete Invest and Arete Industrial investment funds.
  • IFLR1000 recommends Josef Kříž as a Rising star in Banking & Finance.
  • Advocate since 2018.
  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (Mgr. - 2014, JUDr. - 2019)
  • Raboud University Nijmengen (2012/2013)
  • Czech Bar Association
  • KOTÁSEK J., PIHERA V., VÍTEK J., KŘÍŽ J. Právo cenných papírů. [English:Securities Law], Second Edition.  Publisher C.H.Beck, p. 288, ISBN: 978-80-7400-966-2
  • KŘÍŽ J., POROD J., HORNÍK J. Zákon o realitním zprostředkování (č. 39/2020 Sb.). Komentář. [English: Real Estate Mediation Act (No. 39/2020 Coll.). Commentary] First Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2022, p. 212, ISBN: 978-80-7676-376-0
  • LASÁK, J.; DĚDIČ, J.; POKORNÁ, J.; ČÁP, Z.; DOLEŽIL T. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář. [English:Business Corporations Act. Commentary.] Second Edition. Praha: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2021. (co-atuhor: § 15 to 30, § 251 to 254, § 344 to 347, § 464 to 548). The publication was awarded as the most beneficial legal publication of the year at the 29th Annual Karlovy Vary Law Days.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. Ke vkladové povinnosti společníka kapitálové společnosti po novele zákona o obchodních korporacích. [English: Zur On the deposit obligation of a partner of a capital company after the amendment to the Commercial Corporations Act.] Jurisprudence 5/2020.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K definici smlouvy o realitním zprostředkování. [English: ZOn the definition of a contract on real estate brokerage.] Obchodní právo 6/2020.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K základním výkladovým otázkám zákona o registru smluv – soukromoprávní smlouva. [English: basic interpretative issues of the law on the register of contracts - private law contract.] Soukromé právo 11/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K významu nálezu ústavního soudu o souběhu [English: The significance of the Constitutional Court's ruling on concurrence.]  (2. Part). Soukromé právo 3/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K významu nálezu ústavního soudu o souběhu [DeutschEnglish: The significance of the Constitutional Court's ruling on concurrence.]  (1. Part).Soukromé právo 2/2018.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. Koblovský, Petr. Ke vzájemnému poměru mezi spoludlužníky při přistoupení k dluhu. [English: The relationship between the co - debtors when entering into a debt.] Právní rozhledy 5/2017 s. 179.
  • KŘÍŽ, J. K povaze smlouvy o převodu podílu. [English: The nature of the share transfer agreement.] Obchodněprávní revue 7-8/2016, s. 202.
  • DĚDIČ, J., LASÁK, J., KŘÍŽ J. a kol. Judikatura k rekodifikaci: Obchodní společnosti.  [English: Case law on recodification: Companies.] VI. Volume. 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2015.
  • LASÁK, J. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Obchodní zákoník. Srovnávací texty. [English: Business Corporations Act. Commercial Code. Comparative texts.] Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR a.s., 2013, s. 358. ISBN: 978-80-7357-346-1.
  • LASÁK, J.; POKORNÁ, J.; ČÁP, Z.; DOLEŽIL T. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Komentář.  [English: Business Corporations Act. Commentary.] Praha: Wolters Kluwer, a.s., 2014, p. 1264. ISBN: 978-80-7478-537-5. (co-author with Martin Kubík: § 468 to § 437, § 492 to § 494, § 511 to § 515, § 544 to § 548).
  • DĚDIČ, J., GURIČOVÁ, J., KŘÍŽ, J., LASÁK, J., POROD J.: Zákon o státním podniku. Komentář. [English: Stateowned Enterprise Act. Commentary.] 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer 2018, s. 228.
Capital markets
AVANT LOAN SICAV’s First EU Growth Prospectus
Corporate law
State Aid
Real estate and construction
KŠB Advises KGAL Investment Group on Acquisition of Key Solar Project
Financial services
Assistance to J&T Banka in refinancing CENTRO Nitra
Advising on the Sale of Webglobe
BiQ Group Acquires PUXdesign
Capital markets
Financial services
KŠB Advises J&T Banka on Rohlík Group Bond Issue
Financial services
State Aid
KSB assists Pražská plynárenská in obtaining financing
Real estate and construction
KŠB Advises J&T Banka on HQ Acquisition
Commentary on the State Enterprise Act

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