KSB assisted with the Rockaway’s investment into Alkohol.cz
KSB's team (Václav Rovenský and Josef Kříž) assisted Alkohol.cz with Rockaway’s strategic investment, particularly in connection with due diligence and negotiating transaction documentation.
Alkohol.cz, which focuses on the sale and delivery of a selected range of premium alcohol and offers, for example, online auctions of premium and investment alcohol or express delivery of orders in Prague, has received an investment from the Rockaway Capital group. The latter operates primarily in the areas of e-commerce, e-travel, fintech, media, blockchain and venture capital.
By receiving the investment from Rockaway, Alkohol.cz wants to strengthen its position on the domestic market and expand into Europe, especially Germany.
More information can be found e.g. here or here (only in Czech).
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