Real estate and construction

KŠB Advises J&T Banka on HQ Acquisition

KŠB team advised J&T Banka on the acquisition of Rustonka Development II, which owns the Rustonka office building in Karlín, Prague, with over 17,900 m2 of leasable area. In September 2020, the bank moved its headquarters to the building together with approximately 750 employees. The value of the transaction is approximately EUR 80 million.

KŠB’s advice included a comprehensive due diligence and negotiating and drafting the transaction documentation. The KŠB team was led by Jiří Horník (partner) and Josef Kříž (senior associate), who were further assisted by Jan Černohouz (tax advisor) and Filip Šperl, Lukáš Weiss and Ondřej Siška (junior associates).

More information is available here.

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