Vlastimil Pihera

Vlastimil Pihera is a partner of KŠB. He specializes primarily in securities and capital markets, investment funds and companies, collective investment and public regulation of financial institutions. He is a frequent contributor to the professional press, was a member of the expert commission of the Ministry of Justice for the preparation of the Act on Business Corporations and a member of the expert group of the Commission for the application of new civil legislation of the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. He currently works at the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and as a member of the Appeals Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, a member of the Ethics Committee of the Association for Capital Markets and a member of the Ethics Committee of the Czech Association of Financial Advisory and Mediation Companies.


Vlastimil Pihera is very appreciated by clients who love his style

Chambers Global 2025

Vlastimil Pihera is a truly exceptional figure in the Czech Republic’s capital markets space. He enjoys respect among professionals while remaining approachable to his clients. His active involvement in shaping legal frameworks, coupled with his international perspective, sets him apart. We are delighted to have the privilege of benefiting from his services.

Legal 500 2024

Vlastimil Pihera is actively involved in bond issuance mandates as well as regulatory matters, share acquisitions and restructurings. "Vlastimil is able to bring innovative and pragmatic, yet legally sound solutions in many fields."

Chambers Europe 2024


  • Legal advice on several dozen public bond issues (e.g. for J&T Group, RN Solutions, MSI, M&M Reality), and representation before the Czech National Bank in prospectus approval proceedings.
  • Advising clients (such as J&T Banka, Česká spořitelna, mBank, Amundi, Roklen, Bank Gutmann, the Czech Association of Financial Advisory and Mediation Companies) on financial market regulation and on licensing proceedings before the Czech National Bank (e.g. Banka Creditas, Zonky, Zaplo, Walteran Company, GECO) and in proceedings before the financial arbitrator (e.g. Ferratum Bank, OVB Allfinanz, NWD Asset Management).
  • Advice on private equity financial structures (e.g. Rockaway, Nation 1, AI Startup Incubator), including qualified investor investment funds (e.g. Arete Group, J&T Thein SICAV, NWD SICAV) and investment crowdfunding platforms (Fundlift).
  • Advice on settling a number of trusts for the administration of family assets, including dealing with relevant aspects of inheritance law and related contractual arrangements.
  • International rating agencies (Chambers&Partners, IFLR1000, Legal500) recommend Vlastimil as an expert for banking and capital markets in the Czech Republic.
  • In 2019, he was awarded an honorary medal by the Minister of Justice for his contribution to Czech legislation.
  • Advocate since 2008.
  • Faculty of Law, Westbohemian University in Plzeň (Mgr. - 1999; Ph.D. - 2007)
  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (JUDr. - 2001)
  • Czech Bar Association
  • Association for Capital Markets (Member of the Ethics Committee)
  • Member of the Appeals Commission of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic
  • Czech Association of Financial Advisory and Mediation Companies (Member of the Ethics Committee)
  • Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Department of Private Law)


  • KOTÁSEK J., PIHERA V., VÍTEK J., KŘÍŽ J. Právo cenných papírů. [English:Securities Law], Second Edition.  Publisher C.H.Beck, p. 288, ISBN: 978-80-7400-966-2
  • Investing In Czech Republic, Chambers & Partners Global Practice Guides, 2023 (co-author)
  • Kateřina Ronovská, Eva Dobrovolná, Bohumil Havel & Vlastimil Pihera: Property and Trust Law in the Czech Republic, 1. Edition. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer, 2020. 190 p.
  • Pihera, V., Smutný, A., Sýkora, P., Cuník, T. Zákon o bankách. Komentář. [English: Banking Act . Commentary.] 2. Edition. Praha : C. H. Beck, 2019, 888 p.
  • Kotásek, J., Pihera, V., Pokorná, J., Vítek, J. Právo cenných papírů. [English: Securities law.] 1. Edition. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2014, 264 p.
  • Hulmák, M. a kol. Občanský zákoník VI. Závazkové právo (§ 2055–3014). Komentář. [English: Civil Code VI. Law of Obligations (§ 2055–3014). Commentary.] 1. Edition. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2014, 2046 p. (§ 2402 –2429, 2455 - 2470)
  • Spáčil, J. a kol. Občanský zákoník III. Věcná práva (§ 976–1474). Komentář. [English: Civil Code III. Rights in rem (§ 976–1474). Commentary.] 1. Edition. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2013, 1276 p. (§ 1400–1474)


  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V., Dobrovolná E.: Rights of beneficiaries: building foundations and trusts, a Czech perspective , In: Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, June 2023
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. Private foundations in the Czech Republic: 10 years on the road, v: Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, May 2022
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. Under construction: Trusts, trust-like structures, foundations and beneficial owners registries in the European Union—The Czech perspective , v: Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, Volume 27, Issue 6.
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. K některým mýtům a omylům o svěřenských fondech. [English: Some myths and mistakes about trust funds.] Bulletin Advokacie, 2020, č. 7-8
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. Foreign trusts in the Czech Republic: mostly recognized and (sometimes) registered, v: Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, Volume 26, Issue 6.
  • Pihera, V., Havel, B. Povaha funkce a odpovědnost členů orgánů obchodních společností jako východisko racionálního corporate governance.  [English: The nature of the function and responsibility of members of the bodies of companies as a starting point for rational corporate governance.] Právní rozhledy, 2019, č. 23 – 24.
  • Pihera, V., Kokeš, J. Výbor pro audit v aktuální perspektivě českého práva obchodních korporací, [English: Audit Committee in the Current Perspective of Czech Business Corporation Law.]  Obchodněprávní revue, 2019, č. 9.
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. How (not) to change the (un)changeable? Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, Volume 25, Issue 6.
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V. The unbearable lightness of forced heirship: the Czech perspective. Trust & Trustees, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, Volume 24, Issue 6.
  • Pihera, V. Kapitál vs. práce; kodeterminace a střet zájmů [English: Capital Vs. work; codetermination and conflict of interest.] in Husár, J., Csach, K. (eds.) Konflikty záujmov v práve obchodných společnosti, Bratislava : Wolters Kluwer, 2018.
  • Pihera, V., Ronovská, K. Checks and balances needed. STEP Journal, London: STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners), 2018, Volume 26, Issue 4.
  • Ronovská, K., Pihera, V., Estate planning on the edges of time: The Czech Perspective. Trusts & Trustees, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017, Volume 23, Issue 6.
  • Pihera, V. Investiční fond. Vyměřování teritoria. [English: Investment fund. Surveying the territory.] Obchodněprávní revue, 2017, roč. 9, č. 9.
  • Pihera, V., Havel, B., Ronovská, K., "Svěřenský fond" - a new trust like vehicle in Czech Civil Law. In Menyhei Ákos, Sándor István. A trust bevezetése magyarországon és a nemzetiözi gyakorlat/ Introductiono of the trust in Hungary and the international practice. 1. vyd. Budapest, Maďarsko: HVG ORAC, 2017. s. 185
  • Pihera, V. Krocení trustů. Svěřenecké fondy v hledáčku první novely občanského zákoníku. [English: Taming of trusts. Trust funds in the first amendment to the Civil Code.] Obchodněprávní revue, 2016, roč. 8, č. 5

  • Lectures within KŠB Institut for example, on the topics "Records of beneficial owners of legal entities and trust funds", "Management and protection of assets", "Consumer loans".

Capital markets
AVANT LOAN SICAV’s First EU Growth Prospectus
Financial services
Capital markets
Advice on Billion-Crown Refinancing of FIDUROCK Group
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
KSB Advises on Establishing Tišina Endowment Fund
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
KSB Helps Václav Havel Library Change Its Legal Form
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
KSB helps to establish the first Czech charity auction platform Dobrobot
Capital markets
Assisting J&T IB and Capital Markets
Capital markets
Financial services
KŠB Advises J&T Banka on Rohlík Group Bond Issue
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
New Charity 3WFoundation Founded
Financial services
KSB Advises on Transformation of 3M FUND MSI
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
The Vlček Family Foundation
Capital markets
KŠB Represents Walteran Company at the ČNB
Private wealth, tusts, foundations
KSB provided legal services to the Experientia Foundation
Transparent to the Bone
Czech Republic Takeover Guide

Projekty na kterých pracoval

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