
KŠB Ranked Once Again in Prestigious IFLR1000

KŠB was ranked once again in the top spots in prestigious rating agency IFLR1000’s most recent yearbook and is recommended in all categories: banking & finance, capital markets, M&A, restructuring and insolvency, and project development.

IFLR refers to KŠB as follows: “Extensive expertise in major but also in niche areas, reliance and quality of services provided, flexibility, account management, communication and project management, efficient value-for-money ratio.”

The yearbook also acknowledges several KŠB partners and counsels. Martin Šolc is referred to as an “expert consultant” for restructuring and insolvency and M&A, while other partners are “highly regarded”, such as Professor Jan Dědič (restructuring and insolvency), Dagmar Dubecká (M&A), Petr Kasík (banking and finance), Martin Krejčí (banking and finance, capital markets), and Václav Rovenský is a “market leader” for the energy sector. Counsels Vlastimil Pihera (capital markets) and Tomáš Sequens (project development) have each been noted as a “rising star”.

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