Private wealth, tusts, foundations

KSB Advises on Establishing Tišina Endowment Fund

Vlastimil Pihera and Sabina Prokopová assisted in establishing and incorporating the Tišina Endowment Fund. The founders – Ivana Štefková, Barbora Dvořáková and Markéta Trubačová – aim to provide a platform for people who have experienced a significant upheaval in their lives and also for artists and creators who, for various reasons, cannot devote themselves to their work.

Our assistance consisted mainly in drafting the fund’s incorporation document, in which the founders expressed their intentions and ideas about how the fund should operate and fulfil its purpose.

We are proud that our team's specific expertise, particularly in matters relating to foundations and other non-profit entities in the cultural, charitable, and healthcare sectors, helped to create optimal conditions for achieving the goals of yet another client in this sector.

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