Sylvie Sobolová is a partner of KŠB. She specializes in public procurement and public aid, competition law, selected aspects of intellectual property law, and litigation and arbitration.
Sylvie Sobolová has great experience and know-how in the field, with the ability to assess potential business consequences. Sylvie Sobolová is professional and an expert.
Legal 500 2024
- Representing major energy companies in international investment arbitration before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
- Representing non-profit organisations in administrative proceedings and litigation resulting from investigations by the European Anti-Fraud Office.
- Representing clients in administrative proceedings and litigation resulting from audits conducted by the European Commission.
- Representing a client in connection with the alleged conclusion of an illegal agreement in tender procedures before the Czech Competition Authority and administrative courts.
- Representing an airline in a dispute over illegally granted public aid.
- Representing a local government in a dispute over damages incurred in connection with the holding of a local referendum.
- Advising Plzeň municipal transport companies on a public contract for redeveloping a tramway depot.
- Advising the Radioactive Waste Repositories Authority on a public contract related to nuclear waste management operations
- Advising gas companies on the application of the Public Procurement Act.
- Advising an automotive company on the implementation of the global selective distribution system.
- Advising pharmaceutical companies on implementing a direct distribution model for pharmaceutical products.
- Sylvie has been three times ranked among the leading representatives of Czech law in the Top 100 Women in Czech Legal Business, which was compiled as part of the #PRVNICH100LET project.
- Advocate since 2002.
- Faculty of Law, Masaryk University in Brno (Mgr. - 1998, JUDr. - 1999)
- University of Oxford (1998-1999)
- University of Economics in Prague (Ph.D. - 2004)
- Hague Academy of International Law (1997)
- Czech Bar Association
- Ochrana označení původu a zeměpisných označení v doménách a na etiketách (English: Protection of designations of origin and geographical indications in domains and on labels), Právní rádce 3/2023
- Dát na internet cizí text či video nebude už tak snadné. Novela podpoří média. (English: Putting someone else's text or video online won't be so easy. The amendment will support the media.), Právní rádce 9/2022
- MLSNA, Petr et al. Competition and public procurement. Synergies and intersections. Publishing house Aleš Čeněk s.r.o., 2022.
- Firemní značka není auto. Právo na ni je nutné dobře zakotvit do smlouvy. (in English: A company brand is not a car. The right to it must be well established in the contract.) Ekonom, May 2022
- International Public Procurement, Center for International Legal Studies - chapter containing an overview of legislation in the field of public procurement in the Czech Republic.
- Kapitola 6 Hospodářská soutěž in „Základy obchodního práva“, vysokoškolská učebnice, [English: Chapter 6 Competition in "Fundamentals of Commercial Law", university textbook.] I. Štenglová, J. Dědič, Miloš Tomsa a kol.
- Globální užití označení na internetu a z něj plynoucí nároky na právní úpravu ochranných známek a její interpretace. [English: Global use of the designation on the Internet and the resulting claims for trademark law and its interpretation.] Průmyslové vlastnictví, 2004, No. 9 – 10
- Problematický postoj EU k mezinárodnímu vyčerpání práv k ochranným známkám. [English: The EU's problematic position on international exhaustion of trademark rights.] In EMP: odborný časopis o evropském a mezinárodním právu. [English: The EMP: a professional journal on European and international law.] Praha: Nadace EMP, 1995-2004. 1999, Year 5, No. 6, p. 3
- Legal aspects of the introduction of G-cloud / shared ICT services in the Czech public administration (Conference "Shared ICT services and G-cloud in the Czech public administration")
Financial services
State Aid
Intellectual property
Public procurement
Projekty na kterých pracoval
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