KSB Experts Co-Author Book on Competition and Public Contracts
Almost three dozen experts, including KSB partners Sylvie Sobolová and Pavel Dejl and associates Martina Parusová Zímová and Martin Vráb, contributed to the book titled “Competition and Public Procurement: Synergies and Intersections”, which was initiated by Petr Mlsna, Chairman of the Czech Competition Authority. The KSB authors contributed to the book with the topic of horizontal cooperation between contracting authorities.
Co-authored by a number of renowned attorneys, academics and economists, in addition to the Czech Competition Authority’s staff, the book focuses primarily on bid rigging – cartel agreements between bidders for public contracts. In addition, it also covers issues such as private collection of damages suffered as a result of illegal conduct, criminal law aspects of illegal conduct, the impact of the Green Deal on competition law, AI’s potential of hurting competition, and responsible public procurement.
The book was released on 18 May 2022 during the gala evening of the May Public Procurement Conference.
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