Jana Guričová

Senior lawyer
She serves as a senior attorney at Kocián Šolc Balaštík. Her practice primarily focuses on mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, private equity, investment funds and structures, contract law, corporate law including group law, liability of board members, corporate governance, supporting foreign investors in entering and operating in the Czech market, legal audits, restructurings, family asset management, and philanthropic projects. She has been a practicing attorney since 2018. She publishes and lectures in the fields of contract law and corporate law. She is a member of the authoring team of the single-volume Commentary on the Civil Code and Volume V of the Commentary on the Civil Code (Contractual Law), both published by C. H. Beck. She is a member of the Czech Bar Association and the Common Law Society. She graduated from the Faculty of Law at Charles University in Prague (2014, Summa cum Laude) and Cardiff University Law School (2013, With Distinction).


Associate-to-watch Jana Guričová enters the rankings this year after gaining solid recognition for her activity the Czech Republic's M&A sphere. She is recognised for experience handling acquisitions, corporate restructuring and joint ventures.

Chambers Global Guide 2025


  • Acquisition of PepsiCo's operations in the Czech, Slovak, and Hungarian markets by the Mattoni 1873 Group, and the sale of Mattoni 1873 Group's Toma plant to the Coca-Cola Group.
  • Acquisition of IT companies by the Seyfor Group (Solitea).
  • Acquisition of web hosting companies by the Webglobe Group.
  • Support for the American Brentwood Group in the Czech market.
  • Support for the Polish Budimex Group in entering and operating in the Czech market.
  • Creation of the Lázeňský fond SICAV a.s. investment fund and the establishment of shareholder relationships.
  • Acquisition of Technometra by the Hungarian Riverland Private Equity Fund from Aviation Technologies Holdings Group.
  • Sale of several photovoltaic power plants by J&T IB and Capital Markets to Lausitz Energie Verwaltungs GmbH, part of the EPH Group.
  • Creation of the Eva Pavlová Endowment Fund.
  • Collaboration in the creation of a joint venture between the international groups Monster and CareerBuilder.
  • Collaboration in managing the general meeting of ČEZ a.s.
  • Assistance to Smetanova Litomyšl o.p.s. and the SmetaNOVÝ Sál Endowment Fund in the new hall project.
  • Creation of the Rohlik Growth SICAV a.s. investment fund and the establishment of relationships between the J&T and Rohlik Group.
  • Attorney since 2018.
  • Faculty of Law, Charles University in Prague (Mgr. - 2014)
  • Cardiff University Law School (2012/2013)
  • Czech Bar Association
  • Common Law Society
  • GURIČOVÁ, J. in Petrov, Výtisk, Beran a kol.: Občanský zákoník. Komentář. [English: Civil Code. Commentary]. C. H. BECK, 2019
  • Jan DĚDIČ, Jana GURIČOVÁ, Josef KŘÍŽ, Jan LASÁK, Jakub POROD: Zákon o státním podniku. Komentář. [English: Stateowned Enterprise Act.. Commentary]. 1. Edition. Wolters Kluwer, 2018
  • DĚDIČ, J., LASÁK, J., KŘÍŽ J. a kol. Judikatura k rekodifikaci: Obchodní společnosti [English: Business Corporations]. Volume VI, 1st edition. Wolters Kluwer 2015
  • GURIČOVÁ, J. in Lasák, J. a kol. Zákon o obchodních korporacích. Obchodní zákoník. Srovnávací texty. [English: Stateowned Business Corporations Act. Commercial Code. Comparative texts.]. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR a.s., 2013
  • GURIČOVÁ, J.: Znovu k absolutoriu aneb co lze ujednat ve smlouvě o vypořádání újmy mezi společností a členem orgánu, který společnosti způsobil újmu? Příspěvek na Výjezdním workshopu z obchodního práva - Obchodní právo v roce II, 2015 [English: Again on the discharge or what can be agreed in the agreement on settlement of damage between the company and the member of the body that caused the company damage].
  • GURIČOVÁ, J.: Právo společníka / akcionáře na informace. Příspěvek na Výjezdním semináři z obchodního práva - Obchodněprávní judikatura včera, dnes… a zítra? 2014 [English: The shareholder's / shareholder's right to information].
  • GURIČOVÁ, J.: Systém ochrany společníků podle zákona o obchodních korporacích. Příspěvek na Výjezdním semináři z obchodního práva, 2012 [English: System of protection of partners according to the law on business corporations].
  • GURIČOVÁ, J.: Zákaz konkurence po skončení výkonu funkce. SVOČ, 2011, 3. místo [English: Prohibition of competition after termination of office].
Corporate law
State Aid
Real estate and construction
KŠB Advises KGAL Investment Group on Acquisition of Key Solar Project
Advising on the Sale of Webglobe
BiQ Group Acquires PUXdesign
Capital markets
Financial services
KŠB Advises J&T Banka on Rohlík Group Bond Issue
Commentary on the State Enterprise Act

Projekty na kterých pracoval

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