Mining and mineral processing
The mining industry has a long tradition as a key sector that plays a crucial role in the economy of the European Union and individual EU countries. However, promoting sustainable development principles in mining projects is also a priority in this sector. KŠB's industry-dedicated team offers investors and parties in the mining industry professional advice that reflects the current legislative changes in the field of mining and mineral processing and focuses specifically on the issue of sustainability of mining activities. Thanks to our extensive industry experience, we can cover all of our clients’ needs, including analyzing important regulatory issues, ensuring compliance with public and private law requirements, dispute resolution, and mediation support, which is often crucial in the industry.
- Establishing/transferring/changing mining areas, including special mining areas
- Drafting documents for prior MoE approvals for the establishment of mining areas
- Legal support for establishing mining areas
- Legal support for permitting various mining activities
- Legal agenda related to the operation of mines and quarries
- Drafting opinions in the field of mining regulation
- Contractual agenda in the field of mining law
- Representing clients in court and administrative proceedings, including proceedings before the relevant state mining administration authorities
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Our clients include
Asental Land • Bögl a Krýsl • Českomoravský cement • Českomoravský štěrk • European Metal Holdings Astur Gold • Green Gas DPB • Hawthorn • OKD • Skanska • Správa úložišť radioaktivního odpadu • Tapas Borek • Vápenka Čertovy schody • Velkolom Čertovy schody
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