Financial services

End to 2024 for our transactional banking team

December was packed with financial transactions, and with a slight delay, we’re excited to share just a few highlights of the deals Kocián Šolc Balaštík advised on.
  • Česká spořitelna and Československá obchodní banka: Financing of the Prague Public Transport Company (PPTC) through a promissory note program of up to CZK 8 billion, which may be used for the future renewal of PPTC's vehicle fleet.
  • J&T Banka: Advising on a guarantee limit agreement with the Second Foundation for the provision of bank guarantees to transmission system operators, electricity exchanges, and direct marketing counterparties across multiple jurisdictions in Europe.
  • Československá obchodní banka: Financing for the BLOCK Group companies, intended for their general corporate purposes.
  • J&T Banka: Financing of Torus Gdynia in Poland (a development in Gdynia), marking another significant step in J&T’s expansion in the Polish market.
  • J&T Banka: Continuing its financing of the Lordship Group in Slovakia. Following itssupport for the project’s acquisition, J&T Banka is now financing the firstphase of residential development at Kamenné náměstí in Bratislava.

A huge thank you to our clients and colleagues for their trust and collaboration! All these transactions were led by counsel Ivo Průša, with the head of the department and managing partner Martin Krejčí, senior associate Josef Kříž, associate Tomáš Trávníček, and other outstanding members of Kocián Šolc Balaštík’s banking and finance team.

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End to 2024 for our transactional banking team

December was packed with financial transactions, and with a slight delay, we’re excited to share just a few highlights of the deals Kocián Šolc Balaštík advised on.

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