
Representation of Reckitt Benckiser before the Antimonopoly Office

Law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík successfully represented Reckitt Benckiser (Czech Republic), spol. s r.o. in proceedings before the Antimonopoly Office in the matter of potential infringement of competition rules by concluding a prohibited agreement on direct or indirect determination of prices and other commercial conditions on the washing powders market. The proceedings were terminated through settlement.

This was the first settlement with the Antimonopoly Office in the field of horizontal cartels in the Czech Republic. It was a breakthrough settlement since it was carried out in connection with the applications of other parties to the proceedings for what is termed a leniency program, which determines the framework within which the Antimonopoly Office may apply a more moderate regime of imposing fines on parties to confidential horizontal cartel agreements, if such parties decide to cooperate with the Antimonopoly Office when disclosing such agreements.

Reckitt Benckiser is an important producer of branded products, including detergents, drugstore and health care products. The company’s history dates back to 1823 and its products are currently sold in 180 countries around the world.

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