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Internal market

Directive 2003/102/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 relating to the protection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users before and in the event of a collision with a motor vehicle Official Journal of the EU L 321 of 6 December 2003

This new directive is one of several measures intended to improve road safety. It introduces new tests for frontal structures of vehicles. In the first phase, starting in 2005, all new types of vehicles will be required to comply with two strict tests to protect against head and leg injuries. In the second phase, starting in 2010, new types of vehicles will be required to comply with four even more stringent tests: two tests relating to head injuries and two to leg injuries. Within five years from the start of the second phase, all new vehicles will be required to comply with these strict tests.

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Historický úspěch po dvaceti letech. Potvrzeno nezákonné rozhodnutí státu.

Tým ve složení Tomáš Sequens a Petra Mirovská dosáhl po dlouhých dvaceti letech právních bojů významného vítězství ve složitém sporu o náhradu škody vůči státu za nezákonné rozhodnutí a nesprávný úřední postup Ministerstva životního prostředí v licenčním řízení vedeném v roce 2005.

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