
Environmental protection

In May 2008, the long-term process of preparing and putting through legal regulations to punish serious offences against the environment as criminal activities was completed. The European Parliament has approved a draft directive with minor changes pursuant to which infringement of communitarian regulations or Euratom regulations listed in annexes shall be deemed illegal conduct, as well as infringement national acts, administrative regulations or administrative decisions implemented by the regulations stated in the annexes.

This includes the release or emissions of materials or ionizing radiation into air, soil or water causing death or serious damage to health of persons or the environment, the production, storage and transportation of nuclear material, the production, introduction to market or usage of substances damaging to the ozone layer. The punishment also impacts illegal handling of protected animals or plants and natural stations in protected areas. EU member states are obliged to adopt necessary measures within two years after the directive takes effect so that efficient, reasonable and discouraging punitive sanctions can be applied in these cases.

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