Pro bono

Traditional Charity Concert of Good Will

Kocián Šolc Balaštík organized its fifteenth annual Charity Concert of Good Will for the benefit of the Good Will Committee – Olga Havel Foundation. The concert was held on 22 November in the Church of St. Simon and St. Jude in Prague’s Old Town.

The concert program included Czech and worldwide vocal repertoire presented by Bambini di Praga and the soloist of the evening, mezzosopranist Hannah Esther Minutillo accompanied by the pianist Martin Fila.

Thanks to significant contributions from clients, professional colleagues, friends and business partners of KSB, more than CZK 900,000 was raised; this sum will support senior home care projects, senior retirement homes and hospices through the Senior program, a long-term project of the Good Will Committee.

“We immensely appreciate the cooperation with the law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík and all donors who contribute to the charity concert,” said Dana Němcová, chairwoman of the administrative board of the Good Will Committee. “Seniors unfortunately do not receive enough financial support from public sources and therefore KSB and the Good Will Committee agreed that the revenues from this year’s charity concert will be used to support initiatives of charity organizations, diaconies and other non-profit organizations that provide high-quality home or institutional senior care and support dignified end of life,” added the head of KSB’s tax department, Helena Navrátilová, who is responsible for organizing the concert on behalf of KSB.

The general partners of the Charity Concert of Good Will were Československá obchodní banka, a.s., Českomoravský cement Heidelberg Cement Group, ČSAD Praha holding a.s., CCA Group and S.A. Cimenteries C.B.R., organizační složka.

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