
Seminar on sending unsolicited commercial communications

On 17 June 2010, Petra Mirovská presented a lecture on behalf of the law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík on the topic of sending unsolicited commercial communications at a seminar organized by OFFICE HOUSE CZ s.r.o. in Prague. The aim of the presentation was to provide basic practical information on the practice connected with distribution of unsolicited commercial communications.

At the presentation, the listeners were acquainted with different legal regimes during the distribution of unsolicited commercial communications by email (spams) and in documentary form with an emphasis on the rights and obligations of both senders and recipients of unsolicited commercial communications. The current standpoints of the Personal Data Protection Office were mentioned in connection with unsolicited commercial communications, such as the relevance of consent from recipients of commercial communications whose electronic contact was obtained by a potential distributor of commercial communications by purchasing a database of personal contacts. During the subsequent discussion, queries from the practice were answered and partial topics from the field of personal data processing were discussed.

The presentation was the third contribution of the law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík to seminars organized by OFFICE HOUSE CZ s.r.o. It followed from two preceding successful cycles of presentations titled “Current Aspects of Insolvency Law Focused on the Position of Creditors within the Framework of Insolvency Proceedings”, presented by Petr Sedlatý.

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