
Jan Lasák joins KŠB’s Team of Lawyers

Jan Lasák (28) joined the team of lawyers at Kocián Šolc Balaštík (KŠB) on 1 November. Jan focuses on corporate law, mergers & acquisitions, contract law, acquis communautaire, and restructuring.

Before being accepted to the Czech Bar Association, Jan Lasák worked with the Chairwoman of the Supreme Court, after which he joined KŠB as a junior lawyer.

Jan graduated from Masaryk University’s Faculty of Law in 2008, where he received his JUDr. degree two years later and will soon complete his PhD studies. He also received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Masaryk University’s Faculty of Social Sciences in 2007. Jan also studied in the US at John Marshall Law School in Chicago, IL, and Columbia Law School in New York, NY, where he received his Master of Laws degree (LL.M.) in 2010.

In addition to advising clients, Jan is involved in academia and publishing. He lectures at Masaryk University’s Faculty of Law and presents papers on corporate law at national and international law conferences and events on a regular basis.

Together with KŠB partner Professor Jan Dědič, as well as on his own, Jan has published a number of publications on business corporations, and his articles are featured regularly in legal media outlets. Jan is also a member of the board of editors of “Soubor civilních rozhodnutí a stanovisek Nejvyššího soudu” (Collection of Supreme Court’s Civil Judgements and Opinions) issued by C. H. Beck. Recently, Jan led the team of specialists responsible for writing the Commentary on Takeover Bids published by Wolters Kluwer, and he is currently participating in drafting the commentary literature and textbooks on the new Civil Code and the Corporations Act, which will be the two key acts for the recodification of Czech private law in 2014.

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