
Professor Dědič – one of top five most influential Czech lawyers

Professor Jan Dědič, partner of Kocián Šolc Balaštík, is one of top five most influential lawyers in the Czech Republic, according a poll organised by Hospodářské noviny.

The poll result is based on responses from more than fifty judges, members ofthe Government Legislative Council, leading advocates, chairmen of the twohighest national courts and top level state prosecutors. All those questionedwere asked to choose the most influential lawyer at the present time, havingregard to intellectual impact, and to provide their own "top five" names.

Professor Dědič was described as "an authority on commercial law" and ranked toplawyer by other advocates. This is the second time this year that professorDědič has been recognised a leading Czech lawyer. In January, he was namedLawyer of the Year, 2006, in commercial law.

The winner of the poll was Pavel Holländer, deputy chairman of theConstitutional Court, followed by professor Karel Eliáš, a member of the facultyof law at the University of Western Bohemia, Plzeň. Full article and poll results here

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