
Professor Dědič Wins 2006 Lawyer Of Year Award

A jury of professionals chose Kocián Šolc Balaštík (KSB) partner Professor <a href="./profil.php?id=2" title="Jan Dědič">Jan Dědič as 2006 Lawyer Of Year in commercial law from over 350 nominated lawyers competing in ten categories. KSB scored again in the second year of the competition organized by the Czech Bar Association and epravo.cz under the auspices of the Ministry of Justice. Last year KSB partner Jiří Balaštík won the 2005 Lawyer Of Year Award in real estate.

Professor Dědič is a recognized expert in many areas of law including, inparticular, securities and capital markets, commercial law, banking law,financial law in general and mergers and acquisitions. He is the Czech expertfor harmonizing Czech law with EU law. He is the author of many professionalpublications including treatises, commentaries on acts, lecture books and othertexts and articles in professional journals and lectures at conferences andseminars both in the Czech Republic and abroad on a regular basis. He is amember of the Czech Government's Legislative Council and Commission onRe-codification of Commercial Law and is Chairperson of the Czech National BankAppellate Board. In the area of academics, he tutors externally at the LawFaculty of Charles University, Prague, University of Economics, Prague, andWirtschaftsuniversität Wien.

Professor Dědič said upon receiving the award in the form of an artistic glassplaque of St. Yves, the patron of lawyers: “I regard the award highly andpersonally consider it as an award for my professional and academic colleaguesas well since, without them, there would be no discussion and confrontation ofissues leading to the development of legal science. I would like to express mycordial thanks.”

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