Financial services
Capital markets

Legal services for MS Invest in bond issue

Law firm KSB providing assistance to the real estate development company Moravian construction - INVEST in a recent issue of discounted bonds.

The bonds were issued with a maturity of five years in the nominal amount of CZK 320 million and with annual fixed income at a discount of 5.5% until final maturity in 2021.

KSB's legal services consisted mainly of legal advice in connection with the preparation of the prospectus related documentation and representation in administrative proceedings before the approval of the prospectus by the Czech National Bank.

MS Invest will use the funds raised to finance upcoming development projects and to refinance certain liabilities of the MSI Group.

MSI is one of the key developers of medium-sized projects - during the period of its operation it has built and sold more than 3,000 flats and houses on 17.430 m2 of retail space and offices and 184.000 m2 of land.

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