Capital markets

Legal advice in connection with the issuance of so-called discounted certificates for the new Rustonka real estate project

KSB assisted during the emission of discounted certificates in the value of approximately CZK 1.4 billion. The issuer of the certificates is a Cypriot company GRAMEXO PLC., which is the 100% owner of the company Rustonka Development s.r.o. Rustonka is a company established for the construction of a complex of several office buildings with a total area of approximately 37,000 square meters on land formerly occupied by the Rustonka factory in Prague-Karlin.

It is expected that the funds raised from the issuance of certificates will be provided by means of loans to the company Rustonka, which will use such funds for the refinancing of its bank loans, which the company used for the purpose of land acquisition and financing of the project costs of the project.

KSB legal services included representation during the proceedings for approval of certificates for the purpose of admission to trading on the Stock Exchange and the public bid by the Czech National Bank. These certificates were accepted for trading on the Prague Stock Exchange in autumn of this year.

The legal advice granted by KSB in the above case is another example of cases in which KSB provides legal advice in the issue of nonstandard debt securities.  KSB previously advised, inter alia, in connection with the issuance of Czech Crown and euro issuing income certificates with no final maturity date (so called "perpetual bonds") in the Czech Republic.

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