
Legal Advice for Pension Funds in Connection with the Amendment to the Pension Insurance Act

Kocián Šolc Balaštík provides ongoing legal advice to Penzijní fond České pojišťovny, a.s., in particular most recently in connection with the amendment to the Pension Insurance Act.

KSB’s advisory services cover the cooperation of pension funds with employers who provide their contribution to pension insurance schemes as a form of employee benefit.

In the course of the legislative process KSB assisted, inter alia, in formulating comments on the impact and implementation of the draft legislation prepared and these comments were then provided to the Czech National Bank in its role as regulator through the Pension Funds Association.

In the subsequent period KSB assisted with preparation of changes to contractual arrangements affected by the legislative amendment and also prepared changes in internal rules for further activities of the pension fund.

KSB also performed similar work for two other pension funds and one significant employer.

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