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Rights of future Member States during the pre-accession period (since the signature of the Treaty o

The Treaty of Accession signed on April 16, 2003 is expected to come into force on 1 May 2004.

Although not yet EU Members, the acceding states are to be kept informed during the period preceding their accession on any proposal, communication, recommendation or initiative which might lead to decisions by the institutions or bodies of the EU. The future Member States can also request that consultations take place before the Council adopts appropriate decision.

The acceding states have been also granted a status of active observers in the work of the Council and of the European Parliament. Through their representatives they participate in the meetings of the Council and its preparatory bodies since 17 April 2003, save for meetings regarding enlargement issues, which remain confidential, and in the plenary sessions of the European Parliament and meetings of its parliamentary committees since 1 May 2003.

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