KSB holds specialist seminar on Polish and Czech law in business
On 25 November 2010 Kocián Šolc Balaštík held, in cooperation with the Czech-Polish Chamber of Commerce and Polish law firm Wardyński & Partners, a specialist seminar focused on basic differences in legal regulation of business activities in the Czech Republic and Poland.
The seminar program included topics from everyday aspects of business activity. Discussions focused on differences in legal regulation concerning the conducting of business through commercial companies and branches, differences of regulations concerning collection of receivables in the Czech Republic and Poland as well as tax issues. The seminar also addressed labour-law issues in the two countries.
Czech TV provided news coverage of the seminar. You can find the report at www.ct24.cz/zive under the Archive section on 26 November 2010, program Události v regionech (Ostrava), broadcasting time 4:23 a.m. (19th – 21st minute of the program).
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