Finance Ministry instructions D-190, D-223 and D-267 replaced with instruction D-300
The instruction sets out the Czech Finance Ministry's interpretation of some provisions of ITA. Although not binding on tax payers, the instruction is likely to be followed by tax authorities. The wording of instruction D-300 has been more closely specified and now reflects the comments of the Czech Chamber of Tax Advisors and other conclusions approved by the Co-ordination Committee of Czech Finance Ministry and Czech Chamber of Tax Advisors.
For example, Instruction D-300 provides that expenditure (costs) set out in Section 24 subs. 2 ITA constitute tax deductible costs under Section 24 subs. 1 ITA, whether or not they have been incurred to secure, attain or maintain income (provided that they are not expressly specified as not deductible for tax purposes by other provisions of ITA). The Instruction was published in Financial Bulletin no. 11-12/2006 and is available on the Finance Ministry's web pages.
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Historický úspěch po dvaceti letech. Potvrzeno nezákonné rozhodnutí státu.
Tým ve složení Tomáš Sequens a Petra Mirovská dosáhl po dlouhých dvaceti letech právních bojů významného vítězství ve složitém sporu o náhradu škody vůči státu za nezákonné rozhodnutí a nesprávný úřední postup Ministerstva životního prostředí v licenčním řízení vedeném v roce 2005.