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Online Fundraising for the Good Will Committee – Olga Havel Foundation

To date, Kocián Šolc Balaštík has organized 25 charity Advent concerts for the benefit of the Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation (CGW OHF).

Unfortunately, we were unable to hold the concert at the end of last year due to the epidemic. Instead, we decided to offer help through an online campaign, which raised 370,000 Czech koruna. Donors had the opportunity to send contributions to a project of their choosing to support disadvantaged students, exercise therapy for children with neurological problems, social services for the elderly and the terminally ill, the reimbursement of extra expenses for social services for people who are most at risk during the coronavirus epidemic, or they could divide their donation among all of the projects.

Thanks to everyone for all the support they were able to give.

More details can be found available here (in Czech only).

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