Pavel Dejl Speaks at the Czech Competition Authority’s Traditional St. Martin's Day Conference
On Wednesday, 6 November the Czech Competition Authority held the 17th Annual St. Martin's Day Conference, a two-day event on trends, news and current topics in the field of competition which this year was opened by the Authority’s Chairman Petr Mlsna.
At the event, KŠB partner Pavel Dejl took part in a panel discussion on the topic of private collection of damage that results from illegal conduct together with Petra Košťálová (the Czech Competition Authority), Jana Přibylová from the Municipal Court in Prague and attorney Jiří Mňuk. In his contribution, Pavel described KŠB's experience with the first successful follow-on action in the Czech Republic in the case of ASIANA against Student Agency.
More information about the conference and its programme can be found on the ÚHOS website.
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