
New KSB Partners – Pavel Dejl and Václav Rovenský

The current six partners of Kocián Šolc Balaštík (KSB) elected Pavel Dejl and Václav Rovenský as new partners effective January 1, 2007. Both attorneys have been with KSB for a long time and are respected lawyers in their field of expertise.

Václav Rovenský joined KSB in 1995 and has been an advocate since 1996. Hisareas of practice and specialisation are energy law, environmental law, propertylaw, construction law and infrastructure projects. He is considered a leadingexpert in energy and construction law and has led teams of attorneys in a numberof major transactions, including project financing for major players in theenergy sector in the Czech Republic.

Pavel Dejl joined KSB and became an advocate in 1998. His areas of practice andspecialization are community law, competition law, insolvency law, litigationand arbitration. He is highly respected in his field of expertise byinternational legal publications, including The International Who’s Who ofCompetition Lawyers, which lists him as a leading competition law expert in theCzech Republic, and he regularly publishes professional articles on competitionlaw. Dejl is KSB’s representative in Antitrust Alliance, an association ofanti-trust teams of independent law firms in individual EU member countries. Inhis academic experience, Dejl has tutored European law at the Law Faculty ofWest Bohemian University, Pilsen.

KSB managing partner Martin Šolc states, “We endeavor to grow andfollow our strategy of a strong independent Czech law firm with an internationaldimension. This has been the first decision to expand our team of partners since2003 when Dagmar Dubecká and Petr Kasík were elected partners”. He added,“I esteem Pavel and Václav not only for their professional knowledge andexperience but also for their humanity and quality. I wish them both good luckin their new role”.

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