Prestigious publication The International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists 2011 recommends KSB partner Pavel Dejl in the field of competition law
International rating publication The International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists 2011 has again nominated KSB partner Pavel Dejl as a recommended specialist in the field of competition law in the Czech Republic. Pavel Dejl has received this recommendation repeatedly since 2006. For this year, Who’s Who Legal’s recommendation in the field of competition law was granted to only five attorneys in the Czech Republic.
The London-based market analysis company Law Business Research Ltd. is the publisher of The International Who’s Who of Competition Lawyers and Economists. The company, in addition to publishing activities, is involved in long-term assessment of the legal services market and grants the Who’s Who Legal Law Firm of the Year Award. KSB received Who’s Who Legal Law Firm of the Year Award as the best law firm in the Czech Republic for the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009.
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