
New administrative rules

Public administration is newly understood as a service to the public. In comparison with the original administrative rules, the new administrative rules concerns all public administrative proceedings, i.e. the procedures of state administrative bodies and of self-governing bodies (municipalities, regions, profession self-governance).

In addition to regulation of administrative proceedings, the administrative rules contain general regulation of other activities of public administration, inter alia, issue of opinions, certifications, communications and complaint handling which effectively replace the “immortal” governmental decree No. 150/1958, Ú.l. (Official Sheet, on handling of complaints, notifications and suggestions of workers). The administrative rules newly regulate what is termed public-legal agreements such as, for example, the agreement on creation of a voluntary union of municipalities, the agreement on creation of a joint elementary school district, the agreement on establishment of a purposeful job, or the agreement on creation of publicly useful work. They simultaneously extend the powers of the administrative rules to other special regulation of public administration with the exception of tax proceedings. The basic principles of administrative bodies activities contained in the administrative rules are thus applied to all events of performance of public administration, unless special principles are expressly regulated by a special act.

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