
New package of measures to facilitate free movement of goods in the internal market

The Commission submitted a package of measures on 14 February 2007 aimed atfacilitating the free movement of goods in the internal market. Many companiescurrently feel discouraged from doing business outside their domestic market asthey have to comply with various technical rules in other Member States. TheCommission has adopted a draft Regulation aimed at tackling the issues,establishing procedures for applying certain national technical rules toproducts lawfully marketed in other Member States and repealing Decision3052/95. The draft Regulation contains two important aspects. Firstly, theburden of proof has been reversed so that it now falls on Member States tojustify denying access to goods coming from another Member State. Secondly, theproposal foresees the creation of Product Contact Points in each Member State,with responsibility for providing information on technical rules to businessesand competent authorities in other Member States. In terms of scope, theproposal applies to restrictions on any industrially manufactured product oragricultural product lawfully marketed in one Member State and which has notbeen the subject of Community harmonisation. The proposal will now be forwardedto the Council and to the European Parliament for their views.

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