News from KŠB's Energy Law Team
The case was won after several years of work, during which the clearance to operate issued under the Clean Air Act was challenged by parties to other relevant proceedings and was cancelled under other administrative actions; similarly, clearance to operate a related biomass treatment plant for KOMAXO BIOENERGO s.r.o. was obtained. KŠB’s legal advice included representation in the administrative and judicial proceedings, as well as legal EIA management support and mediation support in dealing with the parties to the proceedings.
KŠB also successfully represented AL Wireless a.s. in concluding a settlement agreement with ALCOMA a.s. regarding a long-standing commercial dispute between the two parties. The agreement helped the parties resolve their dispute via an out-of-court settlement and established a new basis for further cooperation. With the settlement, KŠB extended its track record of previous successful legal representation in which it utilized its mediation skills, such as in the case of a cooperation agreement between CARTHAMUS a.s. and the municipality of Přísečná (a dispute regarding operation of a biomass heating plant in the cadastral area of Přísečná), a set of agreements entered into between BIOENERGO - KOMPLEX, s.r.o., and SEA CZ, a.s. (an out-of-court settlement of complaints raised during the construction of BIOENERGO – KOMPLEX’s biomass heating plant) and a settlement agreement between PREOL, a.s. and BAK stavební společnost, a.s. (regarding the completion of PREOL’s production facility for extruded rapeseed meal.)