
New Energy Policy for EU

The Commission proposes a comprehensive package of measures to establish a newEnergy Policy for Europe to combat climate change and boost the EU's energysecurity and competitiveness. The package proposed by the Commission seeks toprovide solutions to these challenges based on three central pillars: (1) Theaim is to give real choice for EU energy users, whether citizens or businesses,and to trigger the huge investments needed in energy. (2) The Commissionproposes to maintain the EU's position as a world leader in renewable energy byproposing a binding target of 20% of its overall energy mix to be sourced fromrenewable energy by 2020. (3) The Commission reiterates the objective of saving20% of total primary energy consumption by 2020. The Commission will seekendorsement of the energy and climate change proposals during the SpringEuropean Council and will come forward with proposals of legislation.

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