Martin Šolc Interviewed in Ekonom
Martin Šolc, one of KŠB’s founding partners, describes his vision as the incoming Secretary-General of the International Bar Association (IBA) in Ekonom No. 46/2012. Martin, who will be the first-ever Secretary-General from Central & Eastern Europe, will assume the office in January 2013.
“I have struggled for a rather long time with the erroneous idea that lawyers should dedicate their time either to everyday issues such as mergers & acquisitions or to superior causes such as human rights. We will be lost until these two groups unite. This, however, is not a goal that can be accomplished by a few dreamers – such unity must become a priority for the entire legal community,” Martin says.
The entire interview, which includes Martin’s thoughts on the Czech legal market and KŠB’s success in the 2012 Law Firm of the Year, is available here (in Czech only).
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