
Deadlines in Tax Proceedings

In connection with the tax entity’s authorization to draw attention to the tax administrator’s inactivity on the grounds of processing filings by tax entities by reasonable deadlines, the Ministry of Finance issued Instruction No. D-308 imposing deadlines on tax administrators for processing filings by tax entities and other parties involved in tax proceedings.

A 6-month period shall apply to e.g. the appellate authority’s decisions on appeals and decision on special remedies. A 3-month period shall apply to e.g. decisions on tax respite and approvals of installment payment. Within a 30-day period, the tax administrator shall decide e.g. on tax registration and any changes thereof, objections raised during a tax inspection, etc.  The Instruction also sets forth the beginning and course of these periods and the extension thereof under special and legitimate circumstances.

All tax proceedings initiated after the Instruction has been disclosed in the Financial Bulletin (“Finanční zpravodaj”) shall be subject to the deadlines imposed by the Instruction.

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