Pro bono

KSB Organizes 17th Good Will Charity Concert

On Sunday 13 November 2011 the seventeenth charity concert of the Olga Havel Foundation’s Good Will Committee was organized by Kocián Šolc Balaštík in the Church of St. Simon and St. Jude in Prague. The funds from the concert, which were raised thanks to significant contributions from KSB’s clients, friends, business partners and colleagues, will be used to support the Good Will Committee’s Senior project.

KSB partner Jiří Balaštík opened this year’s charity concert by saying: “We are here to do a good turn, to help those less fortunate. Although society today is full of aggression, anger and hostility, we can still find positive values such as kindness, friendship, help and encouragement, which we can offer to others. And that’s why tonight we have come together to enjoy a lovely evening full of music.”

Brixi’s Academic Ensemble led by Kamil Mandlík, the Prague Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Kryštof Spirit, and the soprano Olga Jelínková were featured in the program of the festive evening.

The funds obtained from the donors of this year’s charity concert will be used for the Senior project of the Olga Havel Foundation’s Good Will Committee. The foundation helps the elderly, abandoned seniors, as well as people with long-term illness and seniors who want to live an active life in their golden years. “Social services are constantly evolving, such as outreach and outpatient service, which make it easier for elderly people to live in their own homes as long as possible. We care about quality services at a good price – and in this respect we guarantee that the funds that were raised shall be used to increase the quality of the best services,” said Milena Černá, Director of the Olga Havel Foundation’s Good Will Committee.

The main sponsors and donors of this year’s Charity Concert were AGROFERT HOLDING a. s., Českomoravský cement, a.s., nástupnická společnost, ČSAD Praha holding a.s., S.A. Cimenteries C.B.R., organizační složka, Státní tiskárna cenin, s.p., and the ČSOB Group.

KSB has been organizing the Good Will Committee’s charity concerts since 1995. In 2008, KSB was awarded the Long-Term Partnership Award for its long-term support of the Olga Havel Foundation by Via Foundation.

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