
Kocián Šolc Balaštík Further Strengthens Its Public Contracts Team

Andrea Schelleová joined Kocián Šolc Balaštík (KŠB) in November after leaving the Competition Authority, where she was head of the 2nd Instance Decision-Making Public Procurement Department.

“Thanks to her extensive experience and qualifications, the addition of Andrea to our team will provide even greater depth to our legal services pertaining to public contracts, which is an increasingly important field for our clients. Primarily, Andrea’s thorough knowledge of the interpretation and decision-making procedures from the regulator’s perspective will be a great asset for KŠB,” noted Pavel Dejl, a KŠB partner responsible for competition issues.

“I decided to change careers and leave for the private sector to gain new experience. I highly appreciate the opportunity and am grateful that my new employer is Kocián Šolc Balaštík as I consider it to be one of the best law firms on the Czech market,” said Andrea.

Public contracts is one of the key areas supervised by the Competition Authority, which is principally in charge of conducting administrative proceedings and deciding whether or not parties to tender procedures proceeded in line with the rules, standards, and regulations applicable to public contracts. The department formerly led by Andrea is responsible for processing and preparing appeals against first instance decisions for a final decision by the Authority’s Chairman. Every year, the Authority issues about 200 2nd instance decisions, typically for the most complex cases.

Public contracts law is one of KŠB’s major areas of specialization. KŠB advises both contracting authorities and applicants, and offers counselling and representation in administrative proceedings at the Competition Authority.

Andrea Schelleová worked at the Competition Authority from 2006 to 2012. From 2011 to October 2012 she was the head of the 2nd Instance Decision-Making Public Procurement Department. She also chaired three public contract appeal committees of the Competition Authority’s Chairman. In addition to her experience with this government agency, Andrea is also active in academia – she has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the University of Defence since 2010. Andrea graduated in 2006 from the Law Faculty of Masaryk University in Brno, where she is also about to finish her public contract post-graduate studies. She received her JUDr. degree at the Law Faculty of Western Bohemian University in Plzeň in 2007. She also received an LL.M. degree (Master of Laws), majoring in public contracts, from Brno International Business School in cooperation with Nottingham Trent University, where she received her MBA degree this year.

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