
KSB launches legal site on Patria.cz’s investment portal

In a joint project with Patria Finance, Kocián Šolc Balaštík has launched a legal site on Patria.cz, where it will supply legal information for the Czech Republic’s leading investment portal. The legal site endeavours to cover news on legislative procedures as well as problems and issues resulting from actual legal practice. Contributors to the site include associates and partners throughout KSB’s entire firm.

KSB and Patria Finance’s project, which is available at www.patria.cz/pravo, looks at legal issues through a business lens. As such, reporting and commentaries are addressed primarily to corporations and businesses and focus on the implementation and interpretation of new legislation. In addition, special bookmarks have been devoted to tax issues and decisions and judgments by courts and governmental authorities.

The site also features three noteworthy series: “Upcoming Events” focuses on changes in legislation, both established and pending; “Noodledom” features articles and texts written by KSB attorneys and highlights absurdities resulting from legal interpretations; and “Recodification” summarizes issues affecting Czech private law in connection with changes to the Civil and Commercial Codes, which are currently undergoing the most significant transformation in their history.

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