KŠB Contributes to International Public Procurement Publication
The Center for International Legal Studies has published an overview of public contract/procurement legislation in several tens of jurisdictions.
KŠB partners Jiří Horník and Sylvie Sobolová and associate Kateřina Slováčková authored a section on public contract legislation and regulation in the Czech Republic. In writing the section, they all drew from their thorough knowledge of public procurement issues and hands-on experience, since public contracts are one of KŠB’s key areas of practice.
The publication includes a detailed description of how public contracts are awarded, with a focus on October’s major amendment to Act No. 134/2016 Coll., the Public Contracts Act, the primary aim of which is to harmonize Czech law with applicable EU Directives.
- The chapter on the Czech Republic is available here (in English)
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