Aviation and aerospace
KSB advises during establishment of functional airspace block in Central Europe (FAB CE)
The date of 5 May 2011 became an important milestone for Kocián Šolc Balaštík’s provision of legal advice in recent years to Řízení letového provozu ČR, s.p. (Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic) when an international agreement was signed in the Slovenian city of Brdo to create a so-called functional airspace block. The agreement was signed between the seven Central European countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Slovenia. Air traffic control services are to be optimized and provided in the functional airspace block regardless of state borders.
At the same time, an agreement was concluded between flight navigation services providers of individual countries to enhance mutual cooperation during realization of the Single European Sky project. The main objective of the project is more effective air traffic control leading to reduction of flight fees for airline companies and reduction of emissions from air transportation.
Jiří Horník, KSB’s expert in the field of aviation law, participated in the negotiations and conclusion of both above-mentioned agreements.
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