KŠB provides legal services to the RWE Group for squeeze-out in Severočeská plynárenská, a. s.
Squeeze-outs pursuant to Section 183i et seq. of the Commercial Code have been apart of the Czech legal system only since July 1, 2005, a relatively short time,but they immediately became in principle a frequent instrument used for solvingownership structures in many important Czech commercial companies.
Last year after this institute was introduced to the Czech legal system, KŠBcooperated in several significant squeeze-outs. To name the most important ones,KŠB provided legal advice in the squeeze-outs of Česká pojišťovna a. s.,e-Banka, a. s., Penzijní fond České pojišťovny, a. s., OKD, a. s., Odkolek a.s., Karlovarské minerální vody, a. s. and Zakládání staveb a. s.
KŠB has been cooperating with the RWE Group ever since this important energycorporate group entered the Czech gas industry business, including assistance tothe Group during its acquisition of shares in eight regional distributioncompanies and Transgas a. s.