KŠB is exclusive legal partner of PPP seminar on regional representation of Czech Republic in Brussels
Law firm Kocián Šolc Balaštík was the exclusive legal partner for the seminar “Use of Extra-Budgetary Financing for Regional Projects” organised by regional offices of the Czech Republic in Brussels. The seminar took place on 6 June 2007 on the premises of the Prague House as part of an extended meeting of the national delegation at the Regions’ Committee.
The aim of the event was to inform the district commissioners of the Czechregions on PPP issues. Concrete plans on individual regions in the field of PPPand their potential optimum realisation were resolved at the seminar. On behalfof KŠB, contributions were presented by head of PPP Christian Blatchford whospecialises primarily in the area of PPP issues with extensive experience fromrealising international PPP transactions, including many projects in GreatBritain, and Jiří Horník, a legal expert in the area of infrastructuralprojects, including PPP, real estate law, public procurements and state aid andmajor specialist in the Czech Republic in the field of aviation law.
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Historický úspěch po dvaceti letech. Potvrzeno nezákonné rozhodnutí státu.
Tým ve složení Tomáš Sequens a Petra Mirovská dosáhl po dlouhých dvaceti letech právních bojů významného vítězství ve složitém sporu o náhradu škody vůči státu za nezákonné rozhodnutí a nesprávný úřední postup Ministerstva životního prostředí v licenčním řízení vedeném v roce 2005.