Environmental Law

KSB – one of the first participants in the \"Green Firm\" environmental project

KSB is one of the first to take part in Green Firm, a project organised by REMA Systém, a.s., a company duly licensed to manage electrical waste in the Czech Republic.

The project - aimed at Czech companies and their staff - is intended to improve collection and subsequent re-use of domestic waste originating from electrical goods. Employees at participating companies have the opportunity to deposit small and no longer functioning electrical items (from home or work) in special collection boxes on company premises free of charge. This means staff and their family members do not need to make any special trips to refuse collection points, and many electrical waste items can be collected as communal waste.

For KSB, its commitment to the Green Firm project is simply a natural way of expressing its social responsibility.

Kocián Šolc Balaštík provides REMA Systém, a.s. with advice and assistance on specialised aspects of environmental law.

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