KSB’s Quarterly X Lege, Issue No. 1/2012
The first 2012 issue of KSB’s quarterly newsletter features articles on the New Transparency Act, the new law supporting alternative energy sources, and the issue of re-exporting pharmaceuticals, which has become a hot topic in the industry. X Lege also continues to summarize the most important changes to be introduced on corporations since 2014 as a result of the recodification of the Czech civil and commercial law, this time focusing on joint-stock companies. Executives and company body members, namely those who receive remuneration for performing their office, may find it interesting to read about the new changes affecting the mandatory pension, sickness, and health insurance schemes.

Other articles
First Commentary on the Bonds Act Published
C.H. Beck has released the first-ever commentary on the Bonds Act, authored primarily by KŠB’s Jan Lasák, Jan Dědič, and Josef Kříž. Spanning over 700 pages, this comprehensive publication provides an in-depth interpretation of the Act’s individual provisions, drawing on the authors’ extensive expertise in corporate finance