VAT on financial and insurance services – not just for banks and insurance companies
This article (published by C.H. Beck) by Václav Pátek (of KSB) provides a detailed legal analysis of VAT issues with a wider application than the narrowly defined specialise in the title suggests. Pátek examines selected aspects of financial and insurance services (in the current business climate no longer the sole province of banks and insurance companies) to compare Czech and EU VAT laws and to investigate whether Community law has been given full and proper effect with reference to selected services. Pátek's contribution will assist tax consultants, advocates and all of those working in the sector of tax administration, as well as all those seeking answers to VAT application issues in the seemingly narrow sector of financial and insurance services. In particular, some of the general principles identified will be applicable in areas additional to those indicated in the title. For further information click here
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Historický úspěch po dvaceti letech. Potvrzeno nezákonné rozhodnutí státu.
Tým ve složení Tomáš Sequens a Petra Mirovská dosáhl po dlouhých dvaceti letech právních bojů významného vítězství ve složitém sporu o náhradu škody vůči státu za nezákonné rozhodnutí a nesprávný úřední postup Ministerstva životního prostředí v licenčním řízení vedeném v roce 2005.